Believe in a new Way

This is the second song I made with AI. Still time-restrictions then. But even this version I like a lot. It is exciting fitting the lyrics I wrote. Believe in a new Way. Again a bit a house song with a positive message. 🦋✨🙏 #aimusic #udiomusic These are the lyrics: Believe in a new way. A world of happiness. A world of peace. A world of love. Tomorrow will be different, if you start today. You can destroy. You can create. You can use the world as a toy. You can transform hate. You can do what you want. You can see the Light. It will ease away all your inward fright. The world is crying. Humanity doesn't want to see. Mother nature is dying. It will be too late, if we don't find the key. Kagib


Walter zei…
Lekker muziekje... zo herken ik je weer!
Kagib zei…
Ja, Walter, echt geweldige manier om iets te delen. Ik kan je aanraden het te onderzoeken. Komt nog een heleboek, ga er nu weer eentje plaatsen. :)

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