Your Way

Ok in this song in the lyrics which are already very old the beginning of my spiritual path I want to express a way out of the darkness, finding the Light inside. That is also the main reason why I write already many years there is a way out. Now I can express this in a musical way. I did sing in a band long long time ago expressing my sadness and anger and made a CD with singing and keyboard in which I already expressed the way out, both sides the Light and the darkness. This is an example of that. I love the composition, the singer, the instrumentation, a bit a rock ballad. 🦋✨ #udiomusic #udio #aimusic #airplane The lyrics Find your own way, in this grey world of madness. Look inside your Soul. Find out your Sunray. Many Sunrays make the world glow. FEEL WHAT YOU REALLY FEEL. DO WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. LOVE, WILL MELT AWAY, YOUR HEART OF STEEL. You're afraid to think. Forget to feel what's in your Soul. in a grey mudpool you will sink, you will always be on dole. Frustrated you run around, start to hate the whole world. ALWAYS RUNNING AWAY, RUNNING FOR YOURSELF. Put a hold to this. Find out who you are. Find out what you feel. Never again, there will be wars. Find out what's in your Soul. FIND YOUR OWN ROAD


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