Echoes of Why

Another song, new lyrics. I like it a lot, nice singing voice, ballad like streaming. The lyrics are about me not feeling at home here very insecure not understanding why everything is as it is. Not belonging here. Maybe you like it. ✨🙏 #AImusic #udiomusic #udiomusic The lyrics: Walking in a labyrinth, confusion in my heart, all this pain. Crying inside. This world is making me insane Walking in a labyrinth Tossed around by an invisible wind. Born in darkness, coming from the Light, Born in darkness, Just a little child. Feeling vulnerable, so insecure, everybody so confident, strong, so difficult to endure. This place is not where I came from. No answers, anger boiling inside, sometimes erupting, destroying everything, An inner scream, shouting why. this world is a ly. Struggling an inner fight. No answers, anger boiling inside, sometimes erupting, destroying everything, An inner scream, shouting why. this world is a ly. Struggling an inner fight. [finish song] born in darkness Kagib


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